Blood Donation Diary
Written Test

When you go in to give blood, the first thing you're asked is if you've donated before. If you have not, you're given a blank questionnaire to fill out. If you have, you will be asked for your social security number and your name to verify who you are and you're usually given a questionnaire with your name, address, blood type, etc. already filled in. If you look particularly young, you may even be asked to verify your age with your driver's license.

There are three general criteria for donating blood, which are typically the first three questions on the form you're given:

  • You must be at least 17 years of age.
  • You must weigh at least 110 pounds.
  • You must be in good general health.

The questions that follow these are meant to determine if you have been exposed to any health concerns which may defer you either temporarily or permanently from donating. The list is constantly being updated and renewed to reflect the latest known health issues that may affect the blood supply.

written test

Generally, you will be temporarily deferred from donating blood if you:

  • have taken aspirin/ibuprofen in the last 3 days
  • have had an accidental needle stick or received a body piercing or tattoo in the last year
  • were incarcerated for more than 72 hours in the last year
  • are pregnant or were pregnant within the last six weeks
  • have visited/are moving from a malaria area
  • have received a blood transfusion
  • have received some vaccinations

You will be permanently deferred from donating blood if you:

  • have HIV or the AIDS virus
  • have had hepatitis or Jaundice after age 11

Additional threats include where you may have traveled during your lifetime. Having traveled to any African country after 1977 can get you deferred because of the threat of many diseases from AIDS to Ebola. More recently, if you have spent a total of 3 months or more in the United Kingdom or 6 months or more in Europe between 1980 and 1996, you may be deferred because of the threat of Mad Cow Disease.

After completing the questionnaire, you will need to sign it and turn it back in to someone in charge. Next, you will be called in for a confidential review of your answers.

Blood Donation Diary
Copyright 2003 —